April 2024

Brand + Biology: Why looks matter to (business) survival

There’s no way around it—looks matter. And it’s more than you think.

Peacocks use their impressive feathery spread to attract peahens (that means girl peacocks). Peahens look for specific patterns and colors in their mate, and while scientists don’t know what they’re looking for—the peahens certainly do. When customers look at your colorful displays and logos, they know what they’re looking for, too.

The question is, are you sending the right message to the right people with your business’ visual branding?

Having a specific look that represents your company– will do multiple things for you.

Showcase confidence and competence.

Out in nature, pairs of animals find and select each other based on their ability to protect and provide (among other things).

As consumers, we’re looking for to partner with companies who look like they can be trusted to take great care of us.

Showing up to someone’s house in a grungy truck isn’t going to deliver the same peace of mind as a tech pulling up in a clean work van and wearing a crisp uniform. Your appearance is an extension of your company’s core beliefs and values. When you look professional, people will expect professionalism and be more likely to trust you.

Get ready to turn some heads.

Peacocks don’t attract those peahens by scratching the dirt. They use their feathery wares to get attention. If you’re in a highly competitive area, getting a customer to look your way is hurdle number one. By having eye-catching colors, a memorable logo, and a cohesive look, you’ve already set yourself up for marketing success!

Try this tactic team member Dana stumbled upon while in traffic the other day. She was sitting at a light when not one but THREE of the same home service brand trucks were lined up next to her in the next lane. One truck wouldn’t have caught her eye, but multiple trucks in a row stood out in a big, bold way. And the icing on the cake? The drivers were smiling!  You can mimic this by taking your team out to lunch (another way to get them to smile) and have them all arrive in their trucks.

“By connecting all of your merchandise, content, and work, you will alert customers that this is your logo, your brand, and your business. Every job you do will be a part of building your brand and how the community sees that brand.”

Want more ideas and digital impact? Click here to learn about our Brand Booster program, where we can boost your marketing content and help you attract new clients with real-time data analytics and brand-building brilliance.

Promote (and Protect!) Your Reputation

By connecting all of your merchandise, content, and work, you will alert customers that this is your logo, your brand, and your business. Every job you do will be a part of building your brand and how the community sees that brand—amazing, right?

What some home service brands struggle with is that a visual brand is only one piece of the puzzle. Your biggest brand asset is actually your reputation. It’s not your logo—it’s how people think and feel when they see it.

To ensure your visual brand always works for you, be sure that you and your staff represent the best parts of your company at all times. Be courteous. Speak kindly. Work cleanly. And when a complaint comes in (as they inevitably will), address each customer concern with a listening ear and a personal touch. You can’t please everyone, but you can treat everyone with respect.

Spread Your Wings (and those Tailfeathers)

As your business grows, having a solid look and logo that is recognizable to loyal customers will help you scale your business!

Show off your business to court potential customers, communities, and cities. Seal the deal with quality work. Customers will remember your patterns, your colors, and the way you made them feel. They’ll know to expect the same quality and care that you have shown to other locations—all because you’ve shown them what to look for.

Need help making your home service brand stand out? Click here to connect with the HomeBoost team.