December 2023

3 can’t-miss marketing strategies to make your slow season count

Every home service business experiences fluctuations now and then. One moment, the phone is ringing off the hook and every truck is on the road, serving customers across your area. Then, quicker than you can say “slow season,” ‌ the leads dry up, your schedule empties out, and every truck rolls to a stop.

Fluctuations may be normal, but they don’t have to be your business-as-usual.

Before the next slow season sets in, these three steady marketing strategies can turn quiet months into your best opportunities for sustainable growth:

Slow Season Strategy #1: Prioritize preventive maintenance and inspections

In slow seasons, your customers may not be ready for a new HVAC unit, electrical upgrade, or water heater installation. But those lagging months are the best time to prioritize preventative maintenance, inspections, and pre-season tune-ups! Plus, these non-repair services can diversify your revenue, turn one-time leads into loyal customers, and lead to greater sales opportunities down the road.

In these off months, remind your customers of the maintenance and inspection plans you have available—and the cost-savings and convenience that come with proactively caring for your comfort systems. It’s also a good time to refresh your customers on the best benefits of preventative maintenance, like fewer breakdowns, cheaper repair bills, and greater safety. While these benefits are straightforward and clearly worth the investment, in off-seasons, inspections and maintenance just aren’t on your customers’ minds—unless you put them there!

“When your techs have free time, consider seeking out opportunities to participate in local community events and in order to get your name in front of more customers. By sponsoring events, giving back to your community, or just networking with your local neighbors, you can build truly authentic connections.”

Another way to boost your revenue in slower months is to offer an annual maintenance program. If you choose to launch this service, use your marketing efforts to highlight how valuable automating your critical tune-up tasks can be. Show your customers how a set-it-and-forget-it maintenance program pays off with greater performance, longer system usage, and year-round peace of mind.

Slow Season Strategy #2: Engage your community

There’s opportunity in every lull—if you know how to find it.

When your techs have free time, consider seeking out opportunities to support your community and get your name in front of more customers. You can look for local charitable events like fun runs or bake offs, fundraising drives, or even seasonal community events that bring together businesses, makers, musicians, and locals.

What we like most about this slow-season strategy is that it gets your brand off of the screen, social platform, or media method, and right in front of the community you care for.  By sponsoring these events, giving back to your community, or just networking with your local neighbors, you can build truly authentic connections. The kind that only happen face-to-face, over handshakes and real conversations.

Slow Season Strategy #3: Polish your SEO

While doubling down on your SEO efforts won’t necessarily help you in this slow season, this high-impact and cost-effective strategy can reduce the slow seasons you experience in the future. SEO efforts offer you the golden opportunity to land right in front of your best-fit customers, the moment they need you—when they’re searching for the specific solution your home services company offers.

Focusing time and resources into optimizing your online presence today positions your brand to become even more visible, searchable, and bookable in the future. And because this strategy is one that pays off for months (even years!) to come, it’s one of the best investments you can make to capture high-value and predictable leads throughout the year.

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